Is this biology?

A practice problem for Saudi Biology Olympiad

2025/02/16 , c++cp

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C++ Tricks

Hidden features that could be useful in optimizing time, memory, and code length!

2024/02/14 , c++cp

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Developer tools

Cool tools that helps every developer

2024/01/01 , personal

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Linux Basic Guide (Ubuntu/Kali)

Commands, concepts, and programs tutorial

2023/10/19 , tutoriallinux

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CSES Automation in Python

Customizable python script for controlling a CSES account

2023/10/17 , librarypython

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Competitive Programming Guides

Various resources

2023/08/28 , tutorialcp

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Laravel on AWS

Using Elastic Beanstalk

2023/08/04 , webhostinglinux

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منصات تحكيم الأكواد (Online Judges)

المواقع وميزاتها وسلبياتها

2023/04/19 , cp

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Cards Trick

A trick between 2 magicians, exposing the math behind

2023/04/19 , cptutorial

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