Competitive Programming Guides
Various resources
Online Judges
- Codeforces organizes contests almost every week
- CSES contains a problemset of 300 problems
- AtCoder contains educational contests
- SPOJ has a random problemset
- Leetcode contains problems commonly used in interviews
- CodeChef there are some games you can play
- OJ.UZ contains problems from the olympics
- HackerRank educational problemset
- VJudge is a website that you can see problems from +40 online judges
Learning Resources
Youtube Channels
Chinese Resources
IOI-Style Contests Hints
- At first read all the problems (that should be at most 30m), try to optimize this
- Spend about 40 minutes on easiest problem, then try to gather points
- Don't spend more than 1 consecutive hour on a single problem
- Take a little 1 or 2 breaks in the middle of the exam
- Debugging usually takes the whole time, don't let it steal your time.
Debugging Wrong Answer
- Check the constaints of the arrays
- Check if there is a code for input/output
- Check if there could be an overflow (usually caused by multiplication, powers, or factorial)
- Clear & Resize data-structures after each testcase
- Check the for loops starting & ending
- Check the binary search condition
- Handle the edge cases (i.e. 0, 1, even, odd, primes, etc..)
- Check sorting the array
- Make your code either all 0-based or all 1-based
- Check paranthesis when dealing with bitwise operations
- The size of segment tree should be
- Avoid comparing doubles using
- Avoid using
with values other than 0 or -1 - Memorize the answers with indecies, if you sorted them at first
- Output
Case x:
Before calculating the answer - In case of processing queries offline, do a
instead ofif
to check queries if it was somehow offline - Don't forget
cout << fixed << setprecision(X);
if the output is double - In intractive problems, remove fast i/o code
- Split your program to functions, especially in intractive problems
- In case of frequency array/map, check
instead of=1
- Don't forget endlines (
) - Write a simulater program for the operations and output them
- Don't forget to handle the edge cases in two-pointers
- Don't rely on
, Rely on some local defines - Probably the given graph has loops, cycles, non-distinct edges
Debugging Time/Memory Limit
- Calculate the exact time complexity of your code (Online Judges can handle ~$10^8$ complexity in 1 second)
- Calculate the exact memory complexity of your code and calculate memory limit in bytes
- Calculate the exact amount of interactions in your code (if the problem is interactive)
- Try to balance time & memory in the code
- Use
instead of boolean array to optimize memory - Use fast i/o (
in C++) and replaceendl
- Add/Remove depending on system (32/64)
#define int long long
- Use
instead ofunordered_map
, (Or vice-versa) - Use
instead ofunordered_set
, (Or vice-versa) - Compress the numbers (i.e. Distinct Values Queries)
- Use array to count the frequencies instead of
takes long time, So use thisi*i <= n
is more effecient thani <= sqrt(n)
- Optimize your seive from $O(N * \log_2{N})$ to $O(N * \log_2{\log_2{N}})$
- Don't clear the arrays & data-structures if there is no testcases
- Use array of sets instead of defining a
everytime - Use memoization in recursion as much as possible
- Convert a recursive DP to an iterative DP
- Use
, andreturn
as much as you could - Use Porgan Princible (in 2SUM, you should add to the map while trying to find, not before)
- Use small-to-large decomposition (in trees or in DSU)
- Optimize memory in DP
- In finding shortest route path, put a matrix tells you were you came from, then roll back
- When rolling back to find a path, use a while instead of recursion
- In binary exponintiation, use
instead of recursion - Write
in constant variables (i.e.MOD
), because the compiler calculate it faster - Write/Remove
in functions that you are using - In segment trees, building is faster than updating every element
- Pass parameters by reference if you can
- In DSU, use path compression + order by rank (small to large) optimizations, so your code runs in $O(\alpha(N))$
- Try different versions of the language (i.e. G++17, G++20, Clang20)
- If your code gets TLE on the edge, resubmitting the code may work
- If the solution of the problem is one of the subarrays, try to think how to convert it to two-pointers
- You may precalculate (hardcode) some values on local device and put them in your submission to optimize it
- You may use
so read vectorization guide, don't put it in your template, it may cause RTE in some online judges other than SOJ - If non of these above worked, probably your algorithm is bad